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Parent Directory -
Double opt-in message 1 text.txt557
Double opt-in message 2 text.txt439
E-letter Ad Revenue Estimate.xls 30K
ESP Assumptions and Cost Analysis.xls 73K
ESP Cost and Product Comparisons.xls 38K
ESP Features.xls 34K
ESP RFP v1.doc 77K
ESP RFP v2.doc 63K
ESP Scoring Functionality & Key Specs.xls 96K
Email Production Brief.doc 38K
Email Proofing & QA.doc 30K
Email Strategy Document.doc140K
Sign-up page -- double opt-in code.txt 17K
Thank you page -- double opt-in code.txt 14K
Thank you page -- double opt-in.PNG343K
dynamic_content.xls 22K
opt-out message text.txt831
reporting.xls 30K
strategy.xls 20K
welcome message -- opt-in 1 text.txt782

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